Ever wonder why one bean makes it to your local specialty shop and another doesn't?
Long before you sip a delicious cup of dark ambrosia, coffee graders make hot and tiring journeys, face
insects and hostile governments and endure weeks of frustration and danger to bring you that favorite brew.
Ok, maybe it's not quite as adventurous as that, but graders do lead interesting lives.
Coffee is graded long before it makes it to the loading dock. The task is carried out by someone called a
'Green Coffee seller'. No, that job has nothing to do with any environmental movement. It's simply a reflection
of the fact that beans are 'green' or fresh, before they're made brown by roasting.
Beans are carefully examined for a number of traits.
They need to be fairly uniform in size and similarly shaped. This is important to help ensure an even roast.
Smaller beans roast differently than larger ones. When the size of the bean differs the roasting time can't be
adjusted properly, since some will pop and brown before others.
Graders look for similarity of color, as well. Uneven coloring suggests that beans have dried at different rates.
It also indicates that beans may have been mixed from different cultivars, again leading to inconsistency in
roasting and flavor.
Beans have to be separated by geographic region grown and by cultivar in order to achieve the appropriate
final result. They need to be harvested, processed and dried separately for the final product to be a fine brew.
Beans are best when they're processed soon after harvesting. Coffee beans undergo a kind of fermenting
process that will initiate after harvesting. The process isn't like fermenting wine - turning sugars into alchohol,
but it nevertheless produces unwanted compounds. Drying prevents this from beginning.
Many processors will float the beans in water to separate out defective beans, since different density beans
will float at different levels. But finer beans result from a more time-consuming process called 'dry processing'.
Dry processed beans have a brown 'silverskin', called a fox bean in Brazil. If the silverskin can be removed by
simple rubbing, it's not a defect, but evidence of this dry process. Under ripe beans, though can also have a
silverskin, which can't be removed by rubbing. Such beans will result in a coffee with a sour taste.
Drying beans is an art all by itself. Estates often boast proudly of the skill and care taken during the process.
As well they might. Improper drying often shows. Economics sometimes encourages processors to use harsh
mechanical drying techniques. Drying the beans too rapidly or failing to turn them frequently enough can
result in beans with an uneven, mottled appearance.
Beans that have been properly dried will first spend time on a 'patio', to dry the skin, before they're fed to the
mechanical dryer. Truly superior beans will have spent several short stints in the dryer at around 40°C
(104°F), rather than one long one. The result is an even color and just the right moisture content.
There are a few other aspects graders will look for.
Beans can have a white edge as the result of inadequate drying or being stored in too humid conditions. The
result will be a bland cup and graders are on the lookout for it.
Good Arabica coffee beans, the type used in fine coffees, will have an even, bright appearance.
Lastly, they smell the beans. Good beans will have a fresh aroma, but they also try to detect what's absent
along with what's present. Any improper processing will add a smoky or musty tinge that you don't want in
your cup.
So before you sip that fine brew, take a moment to sense the fine aroma and lift a cup in thanks to bean

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